Kate Stones, President

Kate Stones has been working with the CTC since 2009. Kate joined the committee in 2010 and served as Secretary from 2011-2018, becoming President in 2017. Her CTC directing credits include Qubit (2024), Peter Panto or One Flew Over the Second Star on the Right (2022); The Tempest, (2021); Gallipoli: The Musical (2017); Monkey and the Monk (2015). She has performed for the CTC in numerous productions, including as Elizabeth Hare in Frankentstein’s Children (2019), as Doll Common in Playhouse Creatures (2014) , as Rosie Donahue in The Donahue Sisters (2012) for which she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Kyneton One-Act Play Festival. Kate works across independent and community theatre on both a voluntary and professional basis, as Creative Director of CreateA, an organisation that creates creative opportunities for adults with disabilities, and as a co-director/facilitator with Arena Theatre Company.

Leah O’Toole, Secretary

Directing a high school musical was a highlight of Leah’s adolescence. Discovering the power and joy of bringing a show to life was a formative experience that has never left her. To keep the magic alive, she has taken on various roles in school productions, including Shakespeare, contemporary plays and, of course, musicals with all the bells and whistles. Supporting people to create great theatre with and for their community is her key motivation for joining the committee.


Georgina Heydon, Treasurer

Georgina Heydon has many years experience in dance and flying trapeze, but seeking a performance art with lower risk of personal injury, she decided to join CTC in 2023. She made her debut in CTC’s Romeo and Juliet, which involved fighting and climbing ladders.


Toby Heydon, Vice President

Toby is a writer, academic and actor who joined the Committee in 2020.  With a background in film and television, Toby came aboard the CTC for As You Like It in 2018.  He thereby expanded his repertoire of obscure Shakespeare characters to Pistol (II Henry IV), Seton (Macbeth) and Charles.  As a writer/researcher, Toby has contributed to Australian history television documentaries and is currently researching Shakespeare during the Victorian gold rushes.


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Kate Stones

Leah O'Toole

Georgie Heydon

Toby Heydon